
Complete guide to the best CRM in 2024 

With the rapid evolution of technology and the needs of businesses, choosing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system has become more crucial than ever.

In 2024, the CRM landscape has transformed, offering more sophisticated solutions tailored to the current challenges. Whether you are a start-up or a large corporation, having the right tool can make the difference between the success and failure of your customer relationship efforts.

In this article, we will explore the key elements to consider when choosing the best CRM, with a focus on the current trends. Let’s dive into this universe together to help you make an informed decision.

What is a CRM and why is it essential in 2024?

A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a tool or strategy designed to manage and improve relationships with customers. In 2024, with the rapid evolution of technology and the increasing importance of customer loyalty, using a CRM has become essential for any business wishing to remain competitive.

Recalling the definition of CRM software

CRM software is a computer system designed to help businesses manage their interactions with current and potential customers. It centralizes all customer-related information, allowing companies to track and analyze their interactions at every stage of the customer journey.

What are the benefits of CRM software?

In conclusion, in 2024, a CRM is not just a tool for managing customer relationships but an essential element for ensuring the success and growth of a business.

Furious Squad: a user-centric tool specialized for digital services companies

Furious Squad is introduced as the commercial management software that “strengthens” your business. It is designed to optimize and enhance the commercial activities of companies, especially for digital services companies (ESN, Entreprises de Services du Numérique).

Advantages of Furious Squad

How much does Furious cost?

How to choose the right CRM for your business?

Choosing a CRM is crucial for managing your business’s customer relationships. It needs to be suited to your needs, easy to use, and scalable. Here are some criteria to consider when making your choice:

What are your business objectives?

Before choosing a CRM, clearly define your business objectives. Do you want to improve customer tracking, automate marketing, increase sales, or centralize information? A CRM tailored to your goals will help you achieve them more efficiently.

Scalability of the CRM solution

Your business will evolve over time, and your CRM should be able to keep up with this growth. Ensure that the chosen solution can adapt to an increasing number of users, new features, or different markets.

Compatible integrations

A good CRM should easily integrate with other tools you use, such as accounting, marketing, or project management software. Check the available integrations to avoid duplication and facilitate the flow of information.

Data security

The security of your customer data is paramount. Make sure the chosen CRM offers security guarantees, such as data encryption, regular backups, and robust authentication protocols.

Technical support

Responsive and competent technical support is essential. In case of a problem or question, you need to be able to rely on a team available to assist you.


Finally, cost is an important criterion. Compare the prices of different CRMs based on their features, scalability, and support. Don’t forget to consider hidden costs like training or additional integrations.

How to effectively implement a CRM?

Implementing a CRM is a crucial step that requires careful preparation. Here are some steps to follow to ensure the success of this implementation:

Prepare a specification document for your CRM

First and foremost, define your needs and expectations. What features are essential for you? What are your goals? A clear specification document will help you choose the most suitable CRM and set it up correctly.

Define the timeline and budget

Set a budget for purchasing and implementing the CRM, and establish a timeline for its deployment. This will allow you to monitor the progress of the project and anticipate any potential delays.

Pay special attention to onboarding

Training your teams is crucial to ensure the adoption of the CRM. Plan training sessions, create tutorials, and make sure that each user understands the features that are useful to them.

Monitoring and adjustment over time

Once the CRM is in place, it’s important to regularly monitor it. Collect feedback from your teams, analyze the data to identify areas for improvement, and adjust the CRM accordingly. An effective CRM is one that evolves with the needs of the business.

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