
3 reasons to manage your business with forecasts

If you want to develop a successful business, you need to be able to predict the future. Well, sort of.

At the very least, you need to be able to “estimate” the future. There’s no need to get out the crystal ball and tarot cards, just remove that purple turban and read on.

The tools you need to predict the future are all readily available. We’re talking about sales forecasting, which thousands of companies around the world use every day with the help of high-performance business management software.

What's business planning?

Perhaps the term “forecast” first brings to mind the weather. The sales forecast is the weather forecast for your business. While a weather agency uses data to determine future conditions, commercial forecasters use historical data to make informed estimates about the direction of future trends.

Companies don’t reinvent the wheel every day. Whether consciously or not, every decision taken, every budget allocated and every customer sought is based on reasoning and experience. Ideally, emotional factors are not taken into account, only the objective data required for informed reasoning.

Bien sûr, il se peut que les prévisions ne soient pas toujours exactes mais cela reste la meilleure chance de ne pas se tromper. And it can make all the difference to your competitors!

Why make forecasts?

No wind is favourable to those who do not know where to go.

To be successful, you need to stay one step ahead of your sector, and be able to anticipate every action. It’s the only way to stay ahead of your competitors.

3 reasons to convince you:

It helps you plan for the future

Chances are, you don’t think of your business as a hobby. And chances are, you’ve invested your money and energy in it. This is a long-term project. Forecasts help you plan for the future, both in the short and long term. Furious offers you decision-making dashboards that anticipate flows, risks and trends.

Depending on the size and age of your company, there are several possible approaches to forecasting:

Helping you think about your budget

Managing a company means being able to manage its overall budget. Since wet fingers aren’t an option, and funds aren’t unlimited, it’s obvious that good business management starts with a clear, factual view of expenses and income.

By identifying profitability and thanks to its forecasts, Furious helps you identify the best areas for expenditure: the launch of a new offer? Recruiting new profiles? Increased advertising budget?

You’ll have everything you need to decide and act with complete peace of mind.

Anticipate changes in your market

Every company depends on the fluctuations of its market. Sometimes, changes take us completely by surprise (for example, the devastating crash of 2008 or the coronavirus crisis), and other times, it’s possible to anticipate them. Forecasting can help you anticipate market movements as a whole, allowing you to be active rather than reactive.

You can then adjust your business objectives in line with anticipated changes in the market, adjusting your stock or resources if necessary.

What is the synergy between steering, management and effective business management?

Steering, managing and running a company are three fundamental pillars that work together to ensure the success and longevity of any organization.

Steering refers to the ability to forecast, anticipate and make informed decisions to steer the company towards its objectives. It’s a proactive approach that requires constant analysis of data and indicators to adjust the company’s trajectory.

On the other hand, management involves directing and coordinating the company’s human and material resources to achieve its objectives. It encompasses the planning, organization, direction and control of activities within the company.

Effective company management is based on a combination of these two aspects. The data collected through steering is used to inform the management process, while management is responsible for implementing the decisions taken through steering.

In other words, steering provides the information needed to make informed decisions, management implements these decisions, and together they enable effective management of the company.

How does the traditional piloting method differ from the modern, technological approach?

The traditional steering method is characterized by a more static and less reactive approach. It often relies on historical data and predefined models to produce forecasts.

In contrast, the modern, technological approach to piloting is based on the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, real-time data analysis and automation. It enables us to react more quickly to changes and make decisions more rapidly.

In the traditional method, updates to steering indicators can be sporadic, leading to gaps in decision-making. In contrast, the modern approach enables real-time monitoring of indicators, providing a more accurate picture of the company’s situation.

What’s more, the technology makes it possible to analyze large quantities of data in record time, which is virtually impossible with traditional methods. This opens the door to more in-depth analyses and more accurate forecasts.

How can technology and innovation be integrated into the running of a company to ensure efficient management?

By integrating technology and innovation into business management, you can improve your organization’s efficiency, decision-making and competitiveness.

What business management methods are making the difference today?

Business management has evolved considerably over the years, and today there are a number of methodologies that make all the difference. Modern methodologies include :

How can the dashboard become a strategic tool for company management?

When used strategically, the dashboard becomes a powerful tool for company management. Here’s how it can be transformed into a strategic tool:

In short, a well-designed dashboard becomes a strategic tool, helping the company to track its progress, make informed decisions and achieve its long-term objectives.

Why should you consider steering indicators to be an essential part of your company's management strategy?

Steering indicators play an essential role in corporate management strategy for several crucial reasons:

How can corporate management training contribute to optimizing managerial skills?

Corporate management training plays a key role in optimizing managerial skills. Here’s how they contribute:

How do steering tools fit into day-to-day managerial practice?

Steering tools play an essential role in day-to-day management practice. Here’s how they fit into this practice:

How do you select the most relevant management indicators for your company?

Choosing the most relevant indicators for your company is crucial to effective management. Here’s how it works:

How do management and steering interact and coexist within an organization?

Management and steering are two essential aspects of running an organization. They interact as follows:

How important is the role of the pilot in activity and project management?

The role of the pilot is essential in activity and project management for the following reasons:

Why is it essential to distinguish between management and steering in a corporate strategy?

It is essential to make a clear distinction between management and steering in a corporate strategy for the following reasons:

Anticipate with Furious

As an entrepreneur, your ability to anticipate is essential to optimize your resources. A powerful, predictive management tool like Furious, gives you an undeniable competitive edge to perform even better.

With our tools for tracking sales pipelines, salespeople, prospecting, conversion rates and pre-sales workloads, you can sell better and more profitably.

Simply analyze your business performance and risks, and secure your company!

Visualize the performance and profitability of your projects: at a glance, Furious shows you resource availability, team schedules, project profitability, individual and divisional productivity, and customer satisfaction.

Our intelligent dashboards give you a clear, real-time view of your sales, margins, purchases, projected profitability and more.

Several dashboards allow you to visualize your KPI’s easily and help you define the actions to be taken. Furious emails you reports on projects where it detects anomalies.

Our anticipation engine suggests the best production mix to optimize your monthly production landing in real time. And our collaborative, conversational planning tools relieve you of 80% of the planning burden.

In short, like our customers, you could gain an average of 7 months’ visibility on your planning and make forecasting your secret weapon!

Contact us for a no-obligation demo that could change your life!

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