
Do you use multiple business tools to manage your agency?

At first, you had control over everything. From the customer database to invoices via agendas to manage schedules…

Then, gradually, each one of us structured ourselves in our own corner: Thomas took Sellsy or Salesforce for the CRM; Kim chose Trello for her todo while Sophie swears by Redmine…

Benoît has succumbed to the Monday ads for his project management, but Ridwan, who has just arrived, is trying to impose Gantt… And we’re not even talking about the back office, which juggles between Excel and accounting tools…

Waste of time = waste of money

Regularly, between exports and date points to concatenate the data between the different poles, you have the impression that what should be quite simple has in fact become a big B*****L. (Mess)

Not to mention your inability to have a clear insight of your margins, pre-sales expenses, profitability, performance and HR needs… and above all the risk of errors that this inevitably induces

In conclusion, you are sorely lacking the agility to have accurate, real-time insight of your agency or service company’s flows.

And then your accountant gives you the final blow: “Yes, your turnover is not bad, but your profit is a disaster“.

You’re so stunned you don’t even appreciate his poetic rhyme.

Change yes, but how?

Furious replaces an average of seven tools at our customers’ sites. So you are not alone.

By integrating all the feeds in one place, by interconnecting them, you can finally manage and anticipate the management of your projects and your agency. Not to mention the joy of your accountant with the simple and efficient API connectors!

To summarise, Furious supports:

– task management and to-do

– sales management / CRM

– project management

– recruitment management

– quotation/ invoicing management

– HR management, team, internal needs

In short, an automated management system for your service company, which allows you to focus on the essential: profitable growth!

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