
Control your

and maximize your profitability

Centralize your project management on a single platform : track the progress of your production and control your time spent to protect the profitability of each project. Coordinate your team’s actions in minutes.

Stay in controlwith real-time project management and anticipate your future results.


A tool designed by and for producers.

Simpler and faster management of operations backed by powerful business automations. Real-time controlled profitability.

One-click progress updates

For precise control, update the progress of your projects with one click, or rely on our automatic mode. Instantly detect projects that are losing money, falling behind, or need to be invoiced.

Controlled time

Associate your sold and spent time with each project and quote, both in pre-sales and production. Schedule your team's time on each project and automatically benefit from time reporting without any additional action.

Your operational control tower

Centralized and real-time management. You will never lose money on a project without Furious warning you first. Manage your business and achieve your goals on a single, customizable platform.

All your data in one place

No more reconciliations between softwares which don’t communicate. With Furious, audit your data right where it is produced and gain in time and accuracy.

What the
project module enables

01 Progress

With a simple drag and drop, update the progress of your projects and benefit from always up-to-date production indicators.

Track your time spent against your sold time and understand where your teams are deployed, and how to adjust for controlled profitability.

Analyze the health of all your projects at a glance and focus on where your impact is the most important.

Respond in a few clicks to identified issues and ensure your teams are working on resolutions as quickly as possible.

Automatically create your projects from your quotes. Measure your customer and employee satisfaction in real time and secure your future business.

Manage your team’s leave, new recruitments, and team skills on a single platform.


Our clients
speak about


Cédric Morel
CEO, Hula Hoop agency

Thanks to Furious Squad, our growth is better organized. We can manage and plan our teams across different structures and locations, from Montreal to Nantes. It is an essential tool for tracking and supporting our remote expansion.

Amaury Bataille
Managing Director, Monet+Associés

We have several KPIs that allow us to see at a glance where we stand and delve into the details of projects, quotes, and services to identify adjustment needs. We wouldn't be able to manage our business today as precisely without a tool like Furious.

Alexandre Aymé
Co-founder, Adveris

We truly manage project progress on a project-by-project basis and identify a minimal number of projects that are off track. Furious helps us monitor projects and keep them on the right path through regular monitoring and bi-weekly internal meetings.

Paul Vedrine
Head of Management Control, JIN Agency

Furious saves us between half a day and a full day per week on administrative and financial tasks: formatting quotes, centralizing information in one place, tracking purchases, time, and managing teams.

Matthieu Didailler
CFO, Insign

We move from a "snapshot" tool where we look in the rearview mirror at the situation to a tool that allows us to project forward into planning.

Adrien Bosset

Being able to manage both project management and finance, as well as time tracking within the same tool, is a strength: the data communicates and links are made between all sections. Connecting and relating the data brings a different angle of analysis to the numbers.

A myriad of integrations & automations available








Are you wondering ?

How to properly measure the time spent on my projects?

Regardless of your organization, Furious offers tools to automate time planning, track hours spent, and predict the impact on your project’s profitability.

Is my project profitable?

Do you take into account the time spent on pre-sales? Project management? Purchases? With Furious, get a complete real-time analysis of your project’s profitability, allowing you to adjust your strategies before incurring losses.


How to anticipate my schedules based on my sales pipeline?

From the quote stage, Furious allows you to anticipate your schedules by reserving the necessary people, skills, and business units. The dates are updated in case of closing delays, taking into account the probability of winning the quote.


How can I manage my

The larger a project becomes, the more crucial it is to know the actual progress in relation to what has been sold. Furious simplifies this complex task with predictive tools, alerting you upstream to avoid any financial loss.


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for you, let’s talk about it!

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