
Is customer support a feature? 

For us, yes.

Who among you has not experienced this situation?

UberEat has misplaced your order. Your wi-fi keeps dropping constantly. You can’t remember the password to your Netflix account…

Whatever the problem, we always look for the solution by contacting the famous customer support.

Usually you have to be mentally prepared for a series of questions like “Have you tried turning it off and on again?” and what seems like an endless elevator music on the phone, not to mention “press 1”, “star” etc.

At Furious, we try to think about things differently.

From the beginning, our goal was to turn one of the most feared or even hated experiences by our customers into one of our best features. And we are glad to see that many of our customers appreciate our support team and fully integrate it into the benefits of Furious.

To give you a “backstage” overview of this aspect of our support, here is the methodology we use to keep our customers satisfied.

“Above all, we appreciate the responsiveness of the support team, which takes our comments and development requests into account in their roadmap. We also appreciate the “unlimited” training time they offer and which greatly facilitates the handling of a SaaS software equivalent to an ERP. We are very satisfied.”

Quentin P., DAF from Steve

You don't have to be software experts, that's our job.

Furious covers a lot of functionalities and is constantly evolving. Fortunately, thanks to our internal processes, each member of our team is able to keep up-to-date with the latest developments, so that we have enough time to train users on the new features. We show each other the latest developments and share tips and tricks that will be helpful to you.

But knowing our products is only part of our added value. All Furious employees have worked for at least 5 years in the sector of agencies, ESN, consulting firms or start-ups, which are the companies we target.

Our goal is to keep you informed of our new roadmap features, but also to understand your concerns and discuss about the developments you might find relevant. By the way, if you book a video conference with the Success team, they won’t hesitate to share with you some of the secrets we’re working on too 😉

Furious chat customer support

“This all-in-one tool replaces the 6 independent tools we were using before. Obvious gain in simplicity and financial consolidation. The Furious sales and service team is very responsive and attentive. Continuous evolution of the platform.”

Albin P., CEO of Arneo.

We are one

When you start with Furious, your main contact is a member of the Furious Success Team and he or she will also be your contact person after deployment.

Our teams will support you throughout the process of migration as well as during important accounting cut-offs.

We train your teams and provide you with various video tutorials.

Once you are comfortable, the Success team remains present to teach you new tricks and answer your questions.

We remain by your side during each phase. But if you prefer to exchange only with your first point of contact, no problem!

“Very positive feedback for our agency which has found a tool to manage activity. We save time and enjoy using Furious on a daily basis. A big thank you to the Furious team for their support and attentiveness during the deployment.”

Mathieu W., Secretary General of BigBang Communication

At Furious, there is the Discovery team, the Success team and the Product team, and we all work hand in hand and in the same direction.

Some of us have our preferred subjects and you will probably be interacting with several of us.

This level of cross-team collaboration that we aim to maintain at Furious enables us to learn more about you, the customer, in order to deliver a product that you will benefit the most from.

Your time is precious

Furious chat customer support

It takes us less than six minutes to answer your question. If you contact us after office hours, we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we’re back online the next day. We are available via chat, email or phone. We are available via chat, email or phone.

Because each of our clients has their own way of working and agenda, and we know that projects are usually fast-paced, we want to be as responsive as possible to find the right solutions. That’s why you also have 1,600 FAQ answers and 300 videos available 24/7 directly on the platform.

Furious FAQ customer support

Feedback is essential

Furious chat customer support

It is no secret that our developments are very customer-oriented.

We listen to your feature requests and prioritise the development of your needs and wishes weekly. Your ideas are often interesting and we are looking for ways to improve your daily use of Furious, or how a certain feature could make your work easier. It is thanks to your feedback over the past few years that we have been able to successfully lead Furious this far.

Furious chat customer support

In addition, you will receive a newsletter with the latest developments and optimisations of Furious monthly. Hundreds of features were released last year, and our roadmap is not about to slow down! #onsapelleFurious

But even before a feature or optimisation is released, we ask for your feedback through individual demos and early access granted as part of the Furious beta program. Your opinion can (and does) shape the final version of the feature!

We are human and we care about you

Last but not least, our goal is to be your trusted partner.

The last two years have impacted us all, and all over the world, digital tools have been helpful to businesses.

This gives us a huge responsibility, but also makes us proud of our work and encourages us to redouble our efforts.

Subscribe to our newsletterto receive the latest news on partnerships, releases, upgrades, etc.

And if you need anything else, we are in the little chat bubble at the bottom right of your screen!

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